The real numbers of actual votes cast are truly appallingly divergent from the state’s #s … it is hard to see how he could ever live these down … but then, Trump does believe he won in 2020!!

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On election night I recall hearing "STOP THE COUNTING!! I'm ahead!" Plus, all the ear-witness testimony of his admitting defeat in private. Which no prosecutor has yet been allowed to present to a jury.

America, a 1776 experiment in genteel arrangements.

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Wow.....fair and square ..... NICE ..... Thank you for opening my eyes.

Where did you get the fair & square part from ??

Donald Trump is a BIG fan of Maduro too....so perhaps I should reconsider. After all, we'd so very much want like-minded autocrats in charge come January in North & South America!

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Thanks ever so much, Keith ... it would also be great having you on our weekly zooooom call !

do consider $6 a month ! (less than a mocha latte @ Starbucks!!) and you'll get other stuff too!


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Thank You David,

You keep us updated on world wide events. Corporate media only covers hot button issues after they happen.

Your in depth coverage gives all of us a better understanding for what is happening in the world.

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The Venezuela thing seems apiece with a Fox Bureau of Desirable Election Results, Inc. Something America will be looking at, when Trump loses in November.

Notwithstanding that there are hidden strings being pulled by oil companies, all this is the infamous will-to-power. Venezuela (like a lot of other countries) needs an international & accredited team of election supervisors.

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Whatever the situation, Venezuela is a problem created by Exxon Mobil and the US Government's manipulation by Exxon.

The problem started when Chavez had the sheer audacity to actually believe that the oil that lay beneath the ground of Venezuela belong to Venezuela and not Exxon mobil (Shades of Mossadegh)

He couldn't get away with that "theft" so Exxon Mobil flexed it's muscles and used the US Government to pull off a coup and destabilize the government, with the CIA and special operators, that failed, attempts were continuously made and failed, Finally the State Department was called into play and sanctions put on, economically and financially isolated, it had no choice but do do what Fidel had done, and turn to it's enemies.

I am a proud American, and a progressive, but I can't avoid the fact that many of our enemies, are of our own creation, because corporations have too much influence (money in politics) and use our government as a cudgel.

There are times when it should and I support it,like supporting Ukraine against an imperialistic murderer with genocide on his mind...Putin, and times when I don't like when Coca Cola financed right wing death squads in Honduras, and Obama recognized the subsequent coup.

The CIA, MI6 and Frances DGSE overthrew Mossadegh because he had the same idea as Chavez, wound up with the corrupt Shah, overthrown and now we have a die hard enemy, the theocratic fascist Mullahcracy of Iran.

We never learn because of money in politics.

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I'm not outraged about Venezuela, and am glad to see that Maduro was re-elected fair and square. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltg-5xcm_QM

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