
trust me...there'll be MORE, Walter !!

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Oh my, Cande !! This is sooo coool ... wait til you see my next Unleashed Cuisine....it's about LOBSTERs ... and is based on two amazing French chefs and their lobster dishes...one who just did the meal for King Charles's state dinner at Versailles and another from 1982 and the state dinner for the G-8 (with Reagan) that Mitterrand gave also at Versailles and also with lobster !! And there will be all sorts of other interesting stuff !!! Thanks again (btw, I'm 79, will be 80 in October!)

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Thanks !!! DO spread the word !!! (more on the way!)

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You are SO kind !!

Exactly what I was striving for !!!

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That’s quite fascinating !!

Thanks so much, Sam !!!


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you are SO amazing, Audrey ... and when are we getting YOU back ??!!!

(btw, CNN just told its people it is shuttering its entire CNN Opinion channel as of August 8 !!


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oh and DO spread the word !


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praise the lor' ... can't tell you how much I appreciate that !!

keep reading...more interest 'stuff' on the way...stand by !!!!

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Thanks so much, Sree .... you know how highly I value your thoughts !

(and don't hesitate to spread the word!! ... today's 'unusual' item cost me a dozen subs !!


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ACTUALLY, Mira....I did say at the outset:

In this case, we begin with an extraordinary two-part tour d'horizon of medieval dining across Europe….


BUT that said, want to try your hand at an Indian cuisine contribution?? Or perhaps suggest someone!!! ... I'd LOVE that !!

(maybe how different castes eat ???)

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I just discovered this sub-thread. Fascinating!

One question, typically academic. There's a reference to a report on a series of banquets, with provision of 85 lb of nutmegs. Assuming that that refers to whole nuts, later grated, and since a typical whole nutmeg weighs about 6 g, the order for 85 lb (38.5 kg) gives us 6500 individual nutmegs. I suppose some spice mill can tell us how many packets of spice that equals in modern packaging. Unless the order included the branches of the nut trees, always possible, I suspect the local princeling was cornering the European market for the next 5 years.

Bon dîner, bon appétit, and give us more!

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What a joy to read. As a longtime academic and personal student of history, this was a trip back to a fascinating world.

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great post! While living in Asolo, in the north of Italy, I began to hear stories and legends of the history of Italian cuisine. For instance, the arrival of Katherine of Aragone and her court, alone with her chefs. She was on her way to France, where she would be marrying the King. At the time, food was being eaten using one's hands and fingers. She introduced utensils, forks, knives and spoons.

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Wow David!! What a delicious idea. Food stories will opens oven doors to infinite possibilities in all parts of the globe. Brilliant! Simulating a time machine spreading tasty time capsules. Love the recipies. I am spreading the word.

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Fascinating. I would suggest adding “in Europe.” This is a very Eurocentric view of the past. I have no problem with that, but say it somewhere so there is some acknowledgment that that’s the focus and we won’t learn anything about what people ate or what the culinary traditions were in India or China or the Americas or the Middle East or Africa, or anywhere outside of Europe. Still enjoyed it.

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Congrats on the fun new launch! Looking forward to reading each post.

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