I gather les Républicains is a descendent of Chirac's old RPR. Has anyone told Macron about the idea of a 'shared' mandate in the Matignon? Could be divided by yearly appointments.

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understood, Elizabeth .. feel free, tho, to come on for a few minutes & listen in ! Already we have guests joining from France, Portugal, Canada, Georgia (Tbilsi) and of course US !!

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I would be on the Friday podcast except that I am moving all weekend and until my endless pile of boxes of books are delivered, I will be pre-occupied. I am sure this event will be a success. Lots of love coming back to you, Elizabeth

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a MOST interesting comment .... mépris indeed ... but I still believe that a lot of Macon's efforts have been targeted at eventually eviscerating both Insoumis (Mélenchon) and Le Pen ! On va voir !!

(similar tactic to the one used by Mitterrand to put a stake through the heart of the Comnmunists in the 1980s....and quite successfully I might add!

Come on our zoom chat tomorrow and we can discuss !!??

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