Aurora Finland...American arms on hold...more stormy weather...Elections: Europe, India, gunfire in Chad...Xi crosses Europe...Georgia on our mind...Olympic flame...cartoonist Adena on Iranian justice
sadly, Linda, my great fear is that they may NOT .... perhaps in Europe, but we are way way more shredded as a society as even the most divided European nation!
A spectacular aurora! And appropriate attention to the great tragedy in Mongolia. Human hunger and impoverishment will follow the immense loss of animal life (on which Mongols depend for sustenance).
Georgia and the rest of the Caucasus represent an easier temptation for Putin--if he cares to have a second front--than other potential targets. Could we count the number of American journalists there now on our fingers?
Thanks for the great overview. “ The latest compilation of voting intentions in the 27 EU countries carried out by Europe Elects confirms the rise of far-right parties, the maintenance of the European People's Party [EPP ] family as the leading group, good resistance from the Socialists, an upgrading of the Liberals, a fall of the Ecologists and the radical left. But these trends can be reversed if voters decide that the European Union is worth saving.”. The rise of Evangelical determinism style of Christianity along with oligarchical authoritarian rule is damning for the common good of our planet and in particular for our species. Do you believe that enough people see through the many cons and will vote for democracy?
Linda, my recollection of elections to European parliament (in France) is that they have tended to be provincial protest votes, or regional ones, rather than 'national' or Europe-wide. Religion has never been a major force in French politics, not for 100 years. That's obviously not true of Hungary.
Marginal and radical parties have always had more representation and an escape valve in them and tended to raise their national profiles that way. Europe enforces some basic rights, and leveling regulations on pollution, agricultural practices, and norms of processing foods that go into the European market. This never fails to irk the agricultural lands of France. On the other hand, I haven't been close to these politics for 10 years.
on one maimed hand ... as it happens, I was on Georgia TV just after the Russian invasion of Ukraine !
via zoom...and with interpreter (natch!) .... but at that point it was a vibrant, free broadcast.
no longer.... sad.
sadly, Linda, my great fear is that they may NOT .... perhaps in Europe, but we are way way more shredded as a society as even the most divided European nation!
A spectacular aurora! And appropriate attention to the great tragedy in Mongolia. Human hunger and impoverishment will follow the immense loss of animal life (on which Mongols depend for sustenance).
Georgia and the rest of the Caucasus represent an easier temptation for Putin--if he cares to have a second front--than other potential targets. Could we count the number of American journalists there now on our fingers?
Thanks for the great overview. “ The latest compilation of voting intentions in the 27 EU countries carried out by Europe Elects confirms the rise of far-right parties, the maintenance of the European People's Party [EPP ] family as the leading group, good resistance from the Socialists, an upgrading of the Liberals, a fall of the Ecologists and the radical left. But these trends can be reversed if voters decide that the European Union is worth saving.”. The rise of Evangelical determinism style of Christianity along with oligarchical authoritarian rule is damning for the common good of our planet and in particular for our species. Do you believe that enough people see through the many cons and will vote for democracy?
Linda, my recollection of elections to European parliament (in France) is that they have tended to be provincial protest votes, or regional ones, rather than 'national' or Europe-wide. Religion has never been a major force in French politics, not for 100 years. That's obviously not true of Hungary.
Marginal and radical parties have always had more representation and an escape valve in them and tended to raise their national profiles that way. Europe enforces some basic rights, and leveling regulations on pollution, agricultural practices, and norms of processing foods that go into the European market. This never fails to irk the agricultural lands of France. On the other hand, I haven't been close to these politics for 10 years.