
Thank you, as always, Bruno !!

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My loyal & smart Unleashed family !!!


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Wow … this is some document, Elizabeth !

You have given this some considerable thought!

My thanks !!

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indeed....hard to believe, but then what have I got to hide from any Chinese ?!

in fact, it would be great to have even more as subscribers to Andelman Unleashed !



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so very much appreciated, Keith ... yes indeed, the world, sadly, is becoming an ever more fraught place

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done !!

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Friendly editorial mark, David. I think you meant (4th para) 'futile gesture', not an empty one.

Great summary as always; the Europeans understand the world best. So little to cheer for, but look at that hero who poured ink on the tyrant's pants. We should get youth everywhere, to print the photo with her name on t-shirts, try to prevent the regime from doing its worst.

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Smile - but this is a no contest - Trump is the stooge by far.

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While the American media spotlight, ever enthralled by the sensationalism of the moment, remains fixated on Trump and his legal woes, other crucial and overlooked dangers continue to unfold in the United States. First, we have about half our country responding to Trump like zombies - brainwashed followers of the Republican Party (similar to members of the Jim Jones cult), who were unsuspectedly caught in coercive control techniques that Trump uses daily to influence his followers. Second, we have a presidential candidate who sold his soul and our country to the Russians at least ten years prior to sleeping in the White House after 2016. (proof is found in From Democracy to Democrazy by Graham) Third, the influence of Putin's strategies quietly attempts to reshape the trajectory of American politics and American lives. We see that happening NOW.

This current political race is not just between Democrats and Republicans, but between a decent, hard-working, public servant who has successfully served our country for almost 50 years. His constituents re-elected him year after year as a Senator (36 years as a Senator, 8 years as the VP, and 4 years as the President) - he must have been doing something right!!!

His opponent is a man who has been compromised by Russia, who is a convicted rapist and a serial sexual predator, also convicted of fraud with mounds of solid documented evidence and proof, and is now facing 91 criminal charges. His speeches are filled with revenge, hatred, defamation of others, and with no discernable ideology.

Americans were duped decades ago into believing that Russia is no longer our enemy and the world is living in peaceful coexistence. Yes, the Cold War did not die - a revelation for many Americans. We let our guard down, while Russia rebuilt their economy, their military, and their weaponry. Then in 2000, Putin became the second President of Russia. He instantly converted Russia from a communist-socialist government- a civilized form of government where people matter to a dictatorship where no one matters but Putin. He is a man who spent his entire life as a KGB spy, and blames the United States for the downfall of the USSR. He wants REVENGE.

Over the last quarter of a century, he has schemed and enacted his strategic plan. Based on the book called The Foundations of Geopolitics and published in Russia in 1997 - a carefully orchestrated and directed horror film has been produced. The movie theme is the destruction of the United States and the principal key actor is Donald Trump. It won't win any Oscars YET, because (1) this movie is still unrecognized by most Americans, and (2) the ill-informed Trumpers across our nation are the support cast. Trump's dangerous and many-sided destructiveness includes unprecedented ways to influence and control his followers - a form of brainwashing. Unbeknown to these followers, the person who's ideology they are following is not Trump, but Putin.

For the American public, our first source of information comes from our media - newspapers, TV, social media, and even movies. Since "Oppenheimer" was the Oscar winner in our 2024 Cinema history, it shows an awakening of the real dangers faced by Putin's threats of nuclear war. Putin's government also admitted to election interference in 2016 and 2020; they have said it will continue; AND Putin has "shouted from the nearest mountain-top" that Trump will win the 2024 election. What does he know that the American public does not? Has our media failed to do their research and inform the public of these dangers or are they continuing to focus on Trump's legal issues instead of the real danger facing America? Trump is NOT an ordinary political candidate - but a criminal and a traitor (From Democracy to Democrazy). Their broadcasts on sensationalism instead of reality is disconcerting.

I was at a book-signing event at a Barnes and Noble in Tucson, AZ. A middle-aged woman came up to me and said "I think Putin is a smart and great leader." I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out - I was shocked. These were the exact same works said by Trump only the prior week and in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This my friends is BRAINWASHING.

The shadow cast by Putin over the landscape of American democracy, and his influence and control over Trump grows larger and darker by the moment. Our democracy hangs in the balance.

Elizabeth, www.democrazy2020.org

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"If I want to sell my personal data to a Chinese company, I should be able to..."

G-d help us.

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Awesome rehash of today’s most alarming issues with our world. And our addiction to coffee!

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Excellent piece David, the world view of America and its politics has to be seen as peerless in vacuous idiocy… thanks for sharing this!!

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