Very well put, professor. Sadly, I fear the power of Chinese diplomacy and especially finance may overpower the good will of African leaders and all well-intentioned!

The elephant and its ivory very much a sad object lesson.

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Ha !

Eventually,sadly, they could run out !


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I know !

The donkeys especially moved me !!

Sadly nine of my subscribers ‘disabled’ me this morning!!

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The donkey question is very concerning. Donkeys are the beasts of burden in Africa, resistant as they are to fly- and mosquito-borne diseases. They can work, too, in arid conditions. Without donkey transport and power, many subsistence farmers will be unable to take their produce to market. Also, the Chinese have much more buying power than individual Africans. An estimate I did several years ago suggested that even than more than half of Africa's donkeys had been slaughtered for an elixir. A wholesale enforceable ban on donkey slaughter would help.

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Ohhh, the world...especially distressed about the poor donkeys...where does cruelty end?

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Let's hope we have reached peak donkey in China.

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