May 26·edited May 26Author

Love that....yes, would love to be reincarnated as a cartoon !!

Shy of that, I can at least celebrate the most brilliant each week ... and advocate for the most oppressed or maligned !!

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Speaking of reincarnated, I just re-read Lucretius' Book III speculation on life and death from the De Rerum Natura. It's reproduced in the old, Dryden translation in a fabulous new anthology of elegies, The Penguin Book of Elegies. Worth the eyeball slog just to see how world-wise the ancient world was in the year 50 BC. Anyone can read it for free, in the 1920 Trevelyan version (more modern idiom) available through the Gutenberg Project website.

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I can't tell you how much this means to me, especially coming from as accomplised hack (and world traveler!) as you !!

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One certainly does hope so !!

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David, I don't know where else I would go for some of the stories and information you include in Unleashed. It is invaluable, I am grateful.

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May 26·edited May 26

Brilliant and depressing weekly bulletin.

I don't know what to moan about first, the formulaic, post-colonial rant from the Kenyan writer, or the notes from Cannes. Does he want America to install the Orange Racist-in-Chief?

Can we celebrate more politics in art or more art in politics? Cannes is almost as quixotic as the Oscars. Except that it has a narrower electoral base for the awards and is even more a Hollywood trade fair than the Oscars, with touches of ratatouille and pissaladière. (well, maybe the Hollywood portion has diminished recently... I dunno)

The cartoons this week are brilliant, nothing less. We will all die and be a cartoon.

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At least the S African election will be less violent than the Mexican and Indian polls!

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