Both make about equal sense !


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Case by case !!!

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So say very true, Keith !

Thanks ever so much for calling to our attention!!

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David: I just wanted to thank you for your referrals and recommendations. I also wanted to let you know that I will be giving 20% of net sales for From Democracy to Democrazy to the Dem Party for the next six months. Spread the word.

Warm wishes and thanks, Elizabeth Graham


This morning Steven Beschloss wrote a well-worded message concerning Trump. Here is my reply. I thought you might know the "right" person to take this ball and run with it - a social marketing campaign regarding "brainwashing."

Steven: This was a suburb narrative and an excellent, censorious description of Trump and the current horrendous status of our nation at this point in time. It could not have been more perfect.

As another Substack reader once told me - you are preaching to the choir. It's time to find a solution to this contentious situation. While Trump's own lack of intelligence and stupidity may land him in jail very soon, it's the other half of our country - the Trumpers - who need to recognize Trump's coercive control techniques used daily. Donald Trump rose to the presidency through a conspiracy to pervert the course of American justice. His brainlessness and amoral behavior in Russia, set the stage for his entrapment - via beautiful KGB women, large transfers of Russian money or gratuitous services, or just plain ole corruption. Trump's behavior has become more and more threatening, increasingly erratic, and he rallies his followers with chants of "fake news" and photos of Biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck.

His followers, mostly Republicans which includes MAGAs (compared to maggots), and other violent groups like the Proud Boy have experienced a cult-like journey into a treacherous, savage, and dark world of mind manipulation. This is the exact same form of coercive mind control as seen in other totalitarian countries like Russia, Germany, Italy, Hungry, Iran, North Korea. It is all connected but unfortunately those who have succumbed to Trump's daily dose of falsehoods do not realize that the path they are following is NOT Trump, but Putin's.

Putin spent his spy years in East Germany, learned Hitler's methodologies, and return to Russia with these new tools. In his first few months as the President of Russia, about 80 reporters and other media personnel were killed in contract-style murders- he squashed any independent media. He then set about to brainwash the rest of the population. Lo and behold, we find this same form of brainwashing used daily by Trump - who is the monster you described in your post - is just another Hitler who thrives on hatred, violence, and self- adoration - a single-minded focus on himself. He needs his followers more than they need him.

"According to a Fox News poll, nearly half Republicans believe Trump was chosen by God to be president; and on CNN they reported that 70"% of the Republicans still believe the BIG LIE that the 2020 election was stolen. But the NAR, a following of over 10 million Americans, is especially effective at turning their members into true and active believers of Trump." (The Cult of Trump, Steven Hassan). While I don't believe that a social marketing program could compete with the NRA propaganda or FOX, I do think that many Americans could wake up one morning and see the light of truth - if they only knew what brainwashing is, how it is used, and why. Trump is now peddling his own version of the Bible. Perhaps this blasphemy will awaken a few Christian minds!

We need to collectively begin a social marketing campaign that defines mass mind manipulation to Americans. It should not be a negative narrative - anti-Trump or even pro-Biden. Just like Americans learned to stop smoking or to buckle-up for safety in driving - our nation can also learn the dangers of coercive mind control. Once people know the process and the symptoms they may begin to recognize and acknowledge Trump's frightful misguidance.

While living in Russia, I wrote the White Paper to convince the Russian people to begin to adopt their own orphans. It was funded by USAID and became a successful program. Social marketing is an iterative process of repeating a message. It just might work - but would need government financial support. Unfortunately, such a regular and televised message cannot say "paid by the Biden campaign."



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Hi David: Wishing you a blessed and happy Easter and thanks for this informative and international perspective on our world this year on Easter. As usual, your narratives were interesting reading, but I especially love the political cartoons which as you know are also included in From Democracy to Democrazy. I followed Le Monde for many years and spent a great deal of time in Paris in the 1980's and 1990's. Le Monde was also one of the few "western" publications that I could find in Moscow during my many years living and working there. The cartoon of the Trump hat turned over and collecting coins was insightful.

As you reported from Wyborocza, the Poles are preparing for "war with Russia in about 3 years and soon will have the strongest NATO army in Europe." My question is "why have other countries not increased their military spending to better prepare for such a war? Putin has already told the entire world that he wants to reverse history and return to the ole "glory" days of the USSR. As far back as 1997, The Foundations of Geopolitics was published in Russia. It outlines Putin's desire to eliminate NATO, destroy the U.S. democracy, assimilate Ukraine back into Russian territory, work with France and Germany, BREXIT, and so on. This book was Putin's warning to the whole world but the ":whole world" did not listen. To quote Alexei Navalny in his interview for the TIME100 publication in 2022, he said "World leaders have hypocritically talked for years about a 'pragmatic approach' and the benefits of international trade. In so doing, they enabled themselves to benefit from Russian oil and gas while Putin's grip on (international) power grew stronger. Between sanctions and military and economic aid, this war (with Ukraine) will cost hundreds of times more than those lucrative oil and gas contracts, the signing of which used to be celebrated with champagne."

Today is Easter, which celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the wiping away of sin. Over many years, I often attended the Russian Orthodox Easter on Saturday evenings - which can last until dawn - and by eating "kulich" (colored eggs) and Paskha (bread). Easter is also about "new beginnings", but for many, many people around the world, today is about survival and tomorrow is not a new sunrise but the arduous exertion of humans to continue existing.

More than once, Putin has threatened global nuclear war. Newsweek published an article on March 30th of this year that is titled "Putin's Friend Predicts Nuclear Strike "Most Likely' Coming." Putin himself has said that "Russia's strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness." What more needs to be said? France, Germany, Poland, and all NATO countries - including the U.S. - must take Putin's words seriously. If Putin fires any form of nuclear weapons on Ukraine, the entire globe - all humanity - will again be in a world war. This time the implementer will not be Hitler, but a man who emulates Hitler and spent his entire spy years in East Germany, learned Hitler's dictator tools, and returned to Russia with the mindset of absolute authority. He wishes to imitate or surpass Hitler and Stalin. (Stalin was reported to have killed over 20 million humans). Putin is someone who is likely to attack or confront anyone or any country in his hostile quest for power. Ukraine is just his testing ground and according to Illarionov, a former economic advisor to Putin who now lives in the U.S., "It has been Putin's dream to destroy Ukraine. If Putin is not stopped, he would continue on. It will mean thousands or tens of thousands more will die. He is already responsible for many deaths . . . calculated it may be up to 500,000 or 600,000 deaths in Russia and outside Russia. How long should we (the U.S. and the world) tolerate this endless spiral of deaths produced by one person? . . . His goal is to return NATO to the 1997 division line which means the de-NATOization of all countries in Central and Eastern Europe, including Baltic countries and even Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria. Putin must be stopped NOW and not allowed to destroy other countries and obliterate more lives. Ukraine is his testing ground, and so far the West has not done enough to prevent his daily onslaught and bombing of hospitals, schools, apartment buildings and other civilian properties. The West may not want to be at war with Russia, but they also may have NO CHOICE."

And in the United States, we have a man whose judgement is mentally and moralistically deficient; is in control of a national political party that wants to overthrow our current form of government and our democracy; and is in bed with Vladimir Putin - a vile and dangerous dictator who dreams of controlling all mankind.

This Easter, our world is facing human annihilation and/or world domination by one or two madmen. It is time for all of us to pray that God intervenes and reverses this destructive path, and restores the true meaning of his son's death and his resurrection to bring humanity new hope for everlasting life.

Wishing everyone a true Easter with many blessings.



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Read your interesting comment just moments after seeing an article on some Michigan Trumpist pol in the US who advocated dropping a nuclear weapon on Gaza. Voilà.

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Hi Walter. I haven't read the newspaper this morning yet, but I guess I am not surprised. The Trumpers in our country - those who most likely have been exposed to brainwashing - either from friends and family, or directly from listening to the cult-like repetitive lying of Donald Trump. Brainwashing is defined in Wikipedia as repeating lies over and over until they are perceived as the truth. If the lie contains hatred, which is used daily by Trump, it can release a chemical in the brain to enact violence. Once a person is convinced, there is little to NO independent thought. I was at a book signing event at a Barnes and Noble in Tucson, AZ. A middle-aged woman came up to me and said "I think Putin is a smart leader." I was shocked and couldn't respond. These were the almost exact words spoke by Trump the prior week and in response to the Russian invasion of the sovereign nation of Ukraine. This is brainwashing.

Wishing you a blessed Easter, Elizabeth


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Hi Elizabeth, Happy Easter to you.

The phrase 'Putin is a smart leader'-- straight out of Trump's mouth -- seems to be a stock trope for the far-right everywhere. And a euphemism. The fat little man from Hungary just mouthed an echo of it to praise and promote Trump -- and he was sitting in the USA, snubbing President Biden.

I have one or two good friends who've said it to me. I take the meaning as 'I'm tired of hearing foreign accents, new restrictions on old habits, browner faces, and babble from the identity Left. It's smart to just make them shut up.'

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Very good and apropos coverage, David, thanks so much.

The revelations, about Donald's blather with that billionaire uber-Zionist media outfit, are important: "Who is more AIPAC than me??" I think Orange Critter virtually took power over the Republicans, the moment he declared his intention to 'bar Muslims from entering the country'; any delimiting or conditioning of that promise was just whipped cream. The subsequent partial retractions were fluff-- the cat was out of the bag. Everything else in the sordid Trump record is secondary except his private corruption, because religious nationalists of all stripes wanted to hear that statement.

Biden's pandering to Bibi is an obscenity, no further comment, but they're playing him for a fool.

The expelled imam in France seems to have been living on a carte de résident de longue durée. which as you know, has to be renewed and is always conditional on 'keeping public order'. My experience is that France takes particular pleasure in expelling people -- although I've never been! I think the phrase 'le tricolor' in France -- the Blue-White-Red -- with its determinant article, always means the French flag -- and the secular Republic symbolized.

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LOTUS, the guy who never solved anything, always proclaims he'd solve [fill in the blank] in a heartbeat if HE were the decider (without any backup evidence, insight nor policy discussion). NO ONE believes this – not even his loyalists. It's only and all performative approaching deformative.

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Expulsion practices of France, UK, Germany (?) similar regarding radical imams?

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Thank you for the update on what is happening around the world. Especially liked the Trump cartoon! He has Flipped the MAGA cap for collection just like you can flip everything Trump says! I.E. “I’ve done nothing wrong!”

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Oh but surely he means 'I'm perfect', not 'I'm innocent'??

A trick he learned from Roy Cohn: say only what cannot be nailed down in a courtroom.

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