
naw...no problem ... nada !


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Wait til my column on the election itself, Hanna !!!


But you are exactly right ... thank you !

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Thank you, Professor!

Give it time....it will just take the Brits a trifle longer to wipe out the taste of Boris & Co. !


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Has Europe really changed, or is its centuries-old antipathy to The Other reasserting itself? In Poland, you'd be hard-pressed to ever convince me otherwise. In Germany, we'll know soon enough. But what about Ukraine? Has it changed? I'd like to think so, but really I have no idea.

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Very fine and insightful analysis of what is happening to Germany, and to the rest of us. The crypto-fascist wave is cresting right (pun) over us. Except for the UK.

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excellent, concise...

thank you, David

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Sorry for misspellings as always happen to me

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You are very kind to PIS and Kaczynski, really too kind. Debate doesn't matter. BUT your sentence about how Kaczynski rules in a perfect match! The debate really doesn't matter. You forgot about the khatolics and Rydzyk! He has forced and pushed on potential electorate. Kaczyński but Rydzyk they both rule in Poland! Just Kaczynski left alone without Rydzyk means nothing. The debate is... just something to viewers, electorate of Kaczynski is dump, stupid, dull, rude, selfish and corrupted.

I'm sorry not to read about Rydzyk the main force in Poland

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