Andelman Unleashed provides news, critical analysis and original perspectives on the world and America’s place in it. Originally conceived to chronicle every national election everywhere in the world, it has expanded into a broad examination of the challenges we face in this era of ever expanding globalization and to democracy. Plus a host of new and exciting from conversations to cuisine. Plus for our (lightly) paying subscribers weekly conversations with the founder, celebrity guests and so much more! Our Founding Members get even more exciting additions.

David A. Andelman, founder and editor-in-chief, draws on his experience as an award-winning journalist and commentator, CNN columnist, author or translator of five books, who has reported from 86 countries on five continents in the course of his career as a New York Times and CBS News (Paris) correspondent, an executive editor of Forbes, editor-in-chief and publisher of World Policy Journal. On December 1, 2021 he was named by President Emmanuel Macron chevalier of the Légion d’Honneur, France’s highest civilian honor.

Join us for Andelman's commentary, thoughtful original reporting, the best and most compelling work from news media around the world in their own languages, and a weekly cartoon courtesy of the incomparable Paris-based Cartooning for Peace collective.

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Executive Director, The RedLines Project, 2X winner @DeadlineClub Award, ex-pres #Silurians, @OPCofAmerica. Earlier @NYTimes, @CBSNews. Chevalier Légion d’Honneur.
Managing Editor of Andelman Unleashed